More than a business school. Beyond excellence

emlyon business school positions itself around the “early maker” concept. The maker movement was born 10 years ago around the Do-It-Yourself principle. Initially a concept that applied to DIY enthusiasts, it gradually spread to the world of digital and start-ups, uniting a whole community of creators, artisans, entrepreneurs, artists and educators in its wake. It signals a transformation from invention to innovation, from prototyping to the industrialisation of a good idea.

Today, being a maker means controlling your destiny, being the actor and entrepreneur of your existence, and moving from Do-It-Yourself to Do-It-Together in a spirit of collaboration. This concept reflects our vision of the entrepreneur: an individual, who tries, experiments, makes mistakes, starts again and learns as they go. An entrepreneur must now combine this dimension of doing and doing quickly with the ability to anticipate, mix and nurture ideas, see things before others, and do things quicker than others. The entrepreneur from emlyon business school is a maker and an early mover. He is an early maker.

Facts & Figures



The campuses

Studying on an emlyon business school campus is a life experience filled with innovation. All emlyon business school campuses have a number of innovative tools for learning, exchanging and creating: Creativity & Learning Hub, Learning Lab, interactive whiteboards, whiteboard walls, Apple TV/tablet, creativity boards and more…

Lyon-Ecully campus

Lyon-Ecully campus: virtual tour



Shanghai campus



Saint-Etienne campus

Saint-Etienne campus: virtual tour



Casablanca campus

Casablanca campus : Visit the campus website



Paris campus

Video: discover emlyon business school Paris Campus



emlyon business school ranks among leader

This triple accreditation, AACSBEquis and AMBA, from which emlyon business school has benefited for several years, and on which only a small number of international establishments can pride themselves, proves the long term educational efforts, resources and clientorientation that emlyon business school can guarantee. It also provides an evaluation of the relevance of what each establishment and set of programs have to offer as well as their development plans. These accreditations have been fully renewed these last two years (2014/2015).




The Faculty is made up of 113 full-time professors (40% are international) and is organized in 4 departments : 



The Asian Experience

Studying in China is different in itself. The Shanghai experience is of course a window to Asia and a great opportunity to think global. Thanks to the early settlement of emlyon business school in China, our school benefits from strong historical links and a solid partnership with East China Normal University that leads to an official agreement and a new campus inaugurated in April 2017. emlyon business school's community in China gathers 2,000 persons including 600 graduates working locally and entails close ties with the business environment.



World Entrepreneurship Forum

Founded by emlyon business school and KPMG, the World Entrepreneurship Forum is based on the conviction that the entrepreneur is a creator of wealth and social justice. The World Entrepreneurship Forum is the first international think-tank assembly dedicated to entrepreneurship. Since 2008, once a year it brings together over 250 prominent public figures and foremost thinkers, among them entrepreneurs, NGO’s founders, politicians and economic experts, selected in 70 countries, who will gather to promote and foster the development of entrepreneurship across the globe.

Discover its organization and highlights :

Only at emlyon business school will you… 

  • Benefit from our Creativity & Learning hub : a new learning environment that is both a study and playful area and illustrates the evolution of learning and teaching methods taking into account the impact of digitalisation and the change in practices.  Discover the Learning Hub
  •  Get a personalised learning path thanks to our unique partnership with IBM 
  • Capitalise on our historical excellence and efficiency in entrepreneurship : a renowned incubator, the World Entrepreneurship Forum, 2 Dedicated Research centres, a fablab and the best professors and experts in the field
  • Enjoy the opening to new horizons (cross disciplinary opportunities,  multi-campus experience, powerful active alumni network available from you day 1…)
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