Choose the relevant specialisation for your first job

At the end of your first year, you will have gained the necessary management knowledge and practical experience to choose your field of specialisation. This Master's offers a specialisation year in either Corporate Finance or Marketing or Organisation, Change & Strategy or Corporate Development; four highly coveted sectors of today's global economy. The opportunity to study a range of specialist modules taught by the leading European institution for that specialism, twinned with a second internship opportunity will serve as a tangible proof of your abilities to future recruiters. 


  • The Corporate Finance specialisation at emlyon business school’s Lyon-Ecully or Shanghai Campus will train financial specialists with the skills to advance in a sector characterised by constant change, high risk and continuous innovation.
  • Students following the Marketing specialisation at emlyon business school’s Lyon-Ecully or Shanghai Campus or at LUMS will take an interdisciplinary "big picture" approach to marketing in the international business environment.
  • Students choosing to attend LMU will comprehend the risks and opportunities associated with the main drivers of change that managers in global enterprises face, the risks and opportunities that are associated with them and manage the economic challenges within an international organisation through the Strategy & Change track.
  • The Corporate Development Specialism at LUMS in the United Kingdom will focus on the organic and in-organic ways of corporate growth.


Corporate Finance at emlyon business school: 

(Lyon-Ecully or Shanghai campus)

The large range of courses in the Corporate Finance specialisation are organised into academic study paths, aiming to provide you with the necessary competences for a specific financial profession. Courses may include, but are not limited to:

  • Advanced Corporate Finance
  • Financial Accounting
  • Management and Cost Accounting
  • Financial Economics
  • Financial Diagnosis 
  • Financial Macroeconomics
  • Portfolio Management
  • Insurance Markets

"After having successfully completed my internship in an investment bank in Paris, I wanted to further deepen my knowledge in finance. The MSc in Management - European Triple Degree specialisation at emlyon business school offered me the possibility to choose within a wide range of courses related to finance, thus enabling me to focus on a particular branch of corporate finance I was interested in. Once I graduate, I see myself pursuing an international career in finance, benefiting from the knowledge and tools I gained from my specialisation in Lyon."  Maxime P. from Belgium, Graduate and currently Business Analyst at Deloitte Consulting, Belgium

"I chose this master for its inventive and unique entrepreneurial and finance contents.” Gokhan I. from Turkey, Graduate and currently a Corporate Audit at Baxter International, Switzerland


Strategy & Change at LMU:

The courses of this specialisation address multiple aspects of management that are directly linked to the challenges that senior managers in changing business environments face, including:

  • Learning how to create value

- Case study
- Course in Innovation and Strategy
- Entrepreneurship and Growth Management

  • Learning how to manage and create sustainable profits

- E-Commerce
- Marketing Asset Management
- Strategic Change

  • Learning how to face the challenges of being in power

- Management
- Communications
- Thinking Strategically - Competing for Advantage

"The MSc in Management - European Triple Degree specialisation in strategy and innovation offers many interesting classes with practical  learnings. You will be able to tackle topics such as e-Commerce, strategy and innovation, entrepreneurship, strategic change etc...There are several group projects for classes and business partners. Those allowed us to improve our communication skills, meet new people, and extend our network. LMU is located in downtown Munich which makes it easy to access and discover the city. In addition, Munich is a lovely city. We have enjoyed the christmas markets, biergarten, and the snow!" - Sophie D. from France, Graduate and currently Global Key Account and Regional Manager, Allianz Global Automotive, Germany

"I chose LMU's specialisation because it corresponds with what I want to do after I graduate and gives me a more international background." - Yuan P., 2013 Graduate


Marketing at emlyon business school or at LUMS: 

(Lyon-Ecully or Shanghai Campus or the Lancaster University campus) 

The large range of courses in the Marketing specialisation are organised into academic study paths and elective courses.
Courses may include, but are not limited to:

  • Marketing Strategy & Implementation
  • Consumer Behavior, Advertising & Communication
  • E-commerce and E-tailing
  • ECR and Category management
  • Branding, Web Marketing
  • Services Marketing
  • Quantitative Marketing
  • Advances in Consumer Insight


Corporate Development at LUMS

The courses of this specialisation adress multiple key themes such as corporate strategy, mergers and acquisistions, internationalisation and innovation. The specialisation is delivered by the department for entrepreneurship, strategy & Innovation of LUMS.

Term 1

  •  Cross border mergers & acquisitions 
  •  Strategy Implementation & process
  • Innovation in Practice 1
  • Family Enterprise Management

Term 2

  • Global corporate strategy
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation in Practice 2
  • Internationalisation & new technologies

Term 3

  • Dissertation

*List modules subject to change

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