Attend the MSc in Management as an exchange student

If you come to emlyon business school for an academic exchange, you are given the status of Exchange Students for Fall Semester, Spring Semester & Summer Session,  depending on your choice of period.

You will attend elective courses. Access to core courses is subject to availability depending on regular MSc in Management students’ registration.

The term ‘Exchange Students’ means that you take the same classes and the same final exams that the French students take. You are however not eligible for emlyon business school Degree. The grades received from the MSc in Management courses allow you to obtain the credits needed for your home institution's degree programme (credit transfer system).

You can also attend core courses if you have not attended these courses in your own university. An official transcript of grades will be sent in duplicate to your home Institutions at the end of your studies in the MSc in Management programme.

Find out more about the course details by browsing through the Programme section

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