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Back to News 04/04/2014

Daria Lyulkovich, Global Entrepreneurship Program graduate and company co-founder!

Daria Lyulkovich is a Global Entrepreneurship Program alumnus from Russia. After graduating from the program in 2011, Daria co-founded Riaba Trading, a trading company, based in Tallinn, Estonia.  The main activity of this company is the import/export business of food products, primarily focusing on the Chinese Market. Today Daria co-founded a new company called Notrit, an online provider of health, beauty and sports nutrition products in Moscow, Russia.

During an interview published by the popular Russian online magazine “Hopes and Fears”, Daria described her educational background and talked about her experience of the Global Entrepreneurship Program:

“I arrived in Europe by curiosity. My trip began with a university exchange programme at l’Ecole de Commerce ICN in France, as part of my studies at the PLEKHANOVA Academy in Moscow. Followed by a 5 month internship, this exchange programme is how I started my European adventure.

I already knew which type of school I wanted for my master’s degree and I knew it was important to choose a well-renowned and highly ranked school with professors known for their academic excellence and educational methods.

I first read about the Global Entrepreneurship Program in an article in Forbes magazine. This 12-month program is divided into three parts during which students study in three countries: France, China, and the United-States. The professors at EMLYON Business School taught us about both theory and its practical application at the same time. For example, our finance professor was also a manager at one of Italy’s biggest banks. The time we spent in China was both a challenge and an eye-opening experience.

This program also provided me with an international network. I created a network thanks to the professors but also thanks to the other students of the program who hold high job positions throughout the world.  

I spent a great year during the Global Entrepreneurship Program and I have yet to encounter another program providing such an enriching experience in terms of the international/intercultural relationships you build and the entrepreneurial studies you undertake. What an extraordinary experience!

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