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Global Entrepreneurship Program: Success Story

Discover the success story of Thomas Froes, who launch his startup kencko.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I studied Marketing Management at ISCEM, as an undergraduate in Portugal. Then I started working for Siemens, and pursued an MSc in Management at ISCTE Business School at the same time..

Can you tell us more about your company kencko? How and when do you plan to launch it?
Kencko was started with the simple belief that there should be a better way to eat fruits & vegetables. The team of engineers, nutritionists and scientists focus on creating products that are convenient and affordable. We also aim at catalyzing organic fruit & vegetable consumption, powered by data.
On April 1, we launched a private beta version exclusively for members that subscribed on our website or on our Instagram -

Has the Global Entrepreneurship Program helped you get where you are professionally? And if so, how?
The Global Entrepreneurship Program was a changing moment for my career. I've always been entrepreneurial, starting projets from early on. 
But this program gave me exposure to the best and surrounded me with other like minded people eager and hungry for achievement. 
These values are what drive people to the Global Entrepreneurship Program.

How did the Global Entrepreneurship Program help you develop your entrepreneurial skills?
The Global Entrepreneurship Program is a network of experienced entrepreneurs who have become professors. 
Once you have a professor in front of you that is either an entrepreneur or investor, and not only because of his/her experience but also, because of  the guests they bring to class, you get to learn by what others have done, and how they went from nothing to something.
More than academic theories, this programme is almost like a one year bootcamp of experiences with like-minded people.

What advice would you give to the future students of the Global Entrepreneurship program?
Stop thinking about it. Just do it. 

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