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Back to News 06/06/2017

Meet Elliot, Global Entrepreneurship Program student!

Tell us a bit about your background

Hi, my name is Elliot, I’m from France but I consider myself as a “citizen of the world” because I feel comfortable in a lot of countries and I can get out of my zone of comfort easily. I will soon graduate from my Bachelor of Science in International Business, a program which taught me a lot in terms of business skills and allowed me to travel and acquire professional skills. It also motivated me to create my own structure. 

Why did you decide to join the program?

When I decided to do a Master in Entrepreneurship, I first had a look at the rankings. Then I decided to take a closer look at each program and the Global Entrepreneurship Program appealed to me directly. The main difference and competitive advantage of this program is its international context and it is exactly why I chose to join the program. I wanted to continue my studies in English, continue to work on projects in multicultural teams and study in new environments and the Global Entrepreneurship Program was the only program which gathered all of these components. 

What do you expect from the program?

As I already have an international background, I definitely want to go further and keep evolving in a global context. What I found fantastic about this program is that it’s a “3 in one” type of program.
First it’s an entrepreneurship program, so I expect that it will teach me how to turn an idea into a real project and prepare me to create a start-up right after the program.

Secondly because of its international context, I’m expecting to study in three different environments and learn a lot from the three different markets that I’ll be studying. I'm looking forward to being part of an international team during 12 months, moving from one country to another. I expect that this new environment, the culture sharing aspect as well as the total immersion in different countries will make me gain a lot in terms of multicultural experience. 

Finally, because of the good reputation of emlyon business school’s incubator, I’m expecting to have a good support in the creation and development of my business plan. I truly believe that a great business is defined by its ability to generate cash flow in the future. My project is to build a business plan with my peers within the first 4 months of the program in Lyon and test the business idea in the 3 different countries. This is the opportunity of studying the 3 different markets and knowing how to adapt the idea in order to generate more cash flow.  

Three words to describe yourself.

Enthusiastic, backpacker and athletic.

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