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Back to News 17/12/2015

The Hospitality Day: See what Xu Z. current student of the MSc in International Hospitality Day has to say about this event:

Thanks to the Hospitality Day we had the great opportunity to meet the representatives of AccorHotels and Club Med. This is what I liked the most about this event: we got to hear from many successful people in those amazing groups as they shared their experiences.

We met Mr Bourguigon who is now the General Manager of Sofitel Bellecour. He genuinely shared his life experience with us and told us about the last 30 years he spent working in the hospitality industry. I was amazed at how exciting his career is, and how he never stops moving to new and exciting challenges. This is what inspired me the most as I saw the spirit of the AccorHotels group and the hospitality industry.

Also, we got to hear from two EMLYON alumni who are now working in these groups. It was really helpful to understand how they evolved from being students just like us to holding job positions in world leading hotels. It was also quite reassuring to know that the EMLYON name is well recognized in these groups and it will open doors for us in the future.

The conferences also focused on industry innovations. This is what EMLYON prepares us for every day and this is what businesses need the most in the future. Innovation and technology are the fields of the future, and I find it really aspiring to hear how leading hotel groups are making changes within the new digital area.

In conclusion, this is an amazing event to link our academic life with the professional world, and we look forward to having more opportunities like this to interact with real professionals in the industry.

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