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Back to News 26/09/2017

MSc in Management - Grande Ecole students took part in an innovative challenge : the “early makers challenge”

On Monday September 4th, we welcomed our 1,200 new students in the MSc in Management - Grande Ecole.

For their first day at school, they took part in an innovative challenge: the “early makers challenge”, a 6-hour long, giant hackathon.

As soon as they arrived on campus, the students were immediately thrown in at the deep end.
Divided into 110 teams, we challenged them to work together and come up with innovative solutions.
At the end of the day, ten groups were selected to pitch their projects on stage in front of their fellow students.

The early makers challenge in a few figures:

  • 1,200 students
  • 6 hours of challenge
  • 110 innovative projects

Watch the video of the "early makers challenge":

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