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Recruiters will be falling over themselves to hire you if...

you graduate from a prestigious school listed in The Times Higher Education's employability ranking. So you have every chance of attracting employers!

This is the conclusion of the list published on November 16, which places emlyon business school in 27th place, meaning it has entered the tight circle of TOP 30 institutions. Naturally we are proud, but it is especially a great source of pride for those who are following classes at emlyon business school and who practice the early maker philosophy every day: mutual help, experimentation, work in project mode, anticipation, small failures and great successes.


With the increasing importance of digital technology in everyday business, executives and managers must be able to fully embrace this new trend. emlyon business school’s students are immersed in digital culture every day through multiple and disruptive experiences including:

  • Smarter Business School: global and digital training offer via IBM Cloud technology,
  • Creativity & Learning Hub: Inventive spaces for learning and connectivity open to all emlyon business school students, graduates and partners.
  • Makers' Lab: places dedicated to creativity and digital prototyping.

The Times Higher Education awards are based on the preferences of national companies that recruit graduates in their own country. "We have thirty people at the school who work on employability," says Bernard Belletante, CEO of emlyon business school, in an article in "We do not work specifically for a particular ranking, but it is important because we see what employers think of it."

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