MSc in Management - European Triple Degree - Grande Ecole

Fast Facts
  • Campus Day: Meet us in Lyon on December 13th!
  • A 2-year Master for students holding a Bachelor's degree
  • Study international management based in France, Germany and in the United Kingdom
  • Obtain three Master's degrees: emlyon business school’s MSc in Management Master’s degreeLMU Munich’s Master of Science and LUMS' MSc in Management
  • Specialise in Finance or Marketing or Strategy or Corporate Development
  • Alternate academic periods with in-company internships
  • Access to global networks
  • Entirely taught in English
  • Yearly intake: September

The MSc in Management - European Triple Degree, run jointly by emlyon business school (France), Ludwig Maximilian Universität (Germany), Lancaster University Management School (United Kingdom) is a specific 2-year triple Master's degree which is an integral part of emlyon business school’s MSc in Management and which allows you to study general management and international business from a European and global perspective. This triple Master's degree is based in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

With a mixture of academic periods on different campusesin-company internshipsand unique multicultural European experience with a great diversity in the student body, the MSc in Management - European Triple Degree aims to comprehensively prepare you for a wide range of career possibilities all focused on global business. While the first year covers the fundamentals of management, the second year is devoted to a specialisationqualifying you for a future position in one of the following business fields: Corporate Finance or Marketing or Strategy & Change or Corporate Development.

The co-developed curriculum is delivered by faculty members from the three schools, reflecting the complexity of today's global business life. This triple perspective on international management, situations and processes gives you the tools to adapt in multiple countries and to the various professional challenges of your future career.

You'll benefit from a truly unique approach to learning. 


What they say about us

"The MSc in Management - European Triple Degree is by far one of the best experiences of my life. I am surrounded with talented and motivated people. I am thought by the best professors in their respective fields. I am immersed in a European global vision of management. Moreover, as a student, I really feel supported by the MSc in Management - European Triple Degree administrative team - they facilitate everything. Finally, being at emlyon business school, I learn the early maker culture: I learn, unlearn, relearn."

Hadrien Béchara

Current student of the MSc in Management - European Triple Degree – Grande Ecole


“My first year at emlyon business school was a real breakthrough because I come from a completely different professional environment than the one I saw during the first year. Coming from an engineering/operations background, the cross-academic environment between business and entrepreneurship has really paved the way for my future career. Having said that, one of my most rewarding memories from Year 1 at emlyon business school was most certainly during the Entrepreneurs for the World class. During this course, strategically positioned towards the end of the 1st semester, I was able to get a real feel on what it is like to start a company from the ground-up and different monetary funding paths and alternatives. During this course, I also got access to real-world successful entrepreneurs whose contacts I still keep.”

Ludwig Dillman

2nd year of the MSc in Management - European Triple Degree – Grande Ecole


"I started my first year at emlyon business school. Currently, I am in my second year at Lancaster University. I choose Corporate Development for several reasons. First of all, the courses offered at LUMS are very well structured. Some of the modules are specially designed for the Triple Degree providing a suitable assortment of courses for the specialization. Secondly, every professor is highly engaged and motivated in their field of research, which makes the quality of the teaching staff exceptionally good. Furthermore, I wanted to experience the campus life. The Lancaster University campus fulfils what I have expected. If you don’t want to get bored, you won’t. There are around 200 societies and sports clubs, from which I joined the women’s union rugby club."

Lisa-Caren Fischer

2nd year of the MSc in Management - European Triple Degree – Grande Ecole



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