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Discover Nathan M.’s learning path during the Global Entrepreneurship Program!

Throughout the program, students work on business projects for sponsor companies. This is a great way for them to develop skills that are essential to their future success as global entrepreneurs and build their professional network in France, China and the United-States.

Discover which business projects Nathan M., worked on during the program before starting his own company with one other Global Entrepreneurship Program graduate!

At emlyon business school I participated in the Foreign Big Brothers Project for the European Business Project. We were a team of 5 guys from 4 continents determined to bridge the gap in education opportunity around the world, starting in China, by creating a TV show that could gain widespread reach. We were in China from Jan-April 2015. Our first step was to create a pilot episode as a proof of concept.

At Zhejiang University’s School of Management, we were given a list of 8 developing projects at various stages to be consulted. The project I consulted for was for the company Jane Stone. The main advancement we made in collaboration with this company was to reduce the clutter by enhancing the look and feel of the user experience on the website.

During the course of this semester, the Foreign Big Brothers continued to operate, building connections, finding a school, and receiving government clearance to put the project into action. We also had a professional film crew join us and the final version of the Foreign Big Brother documentary created is scheduled out in April 2016.

In the United-States, we were presented with 8 innovative concepts created by other students and were given the task to market these concepts to simulate process development and marketing. The project I participated in was a 3D Stylus Pen. We pushed the developers to provide a finished product which could be presented to major developers but we were unable to complete it due to time constraints.

Currently, I am working alongside my classmate SungTing C. who presented a new method for Hop Extraction as his European Business Project while we were attending courses at emlyon business school in Fall 2014. Our discussions began in October of that year. The agreement was that if Tim (SungTing) could produce the product then I would find the market and sell it. In June of 2015 the two of us made the decision to pursue this full throttle. That summer we tested the product with local brewers and after classes ended in the USA we spent our break travelling the East Coast speaking with different parties of the beer, chemical, and entrepreneur markets to develop our project further. After graduation we travelled West to Colorado where we met with a third business partner, Landon W., and officially established Herbal Fracture, LLC on October 19th, 2015. Herbal Fracture is a plant extraction company that focuses on the extraction of the bittering agent from hops. We have developed supplier relationships with local brewers, one in particular is Tommyknocker Brewery. The beer market is huge here, with over 300 of the 4000 total American Breweries based in Colorado and opportunities based upon the growing markets in the area which we live may lead us into CBD and hemp extraction, which is legal worldwide and has a current lack of available processors even while there is an oversupply of growers and high demand. The barriers to entry for others to reach the level we are at are already significant.

Both Landon and I work full time to supplement cost of living expenses while Tim is full time R&D for the company. Final product has been reached and a Most Valuable Player label is in hand. The next step is to increase capacity and efficiency of processing in order to maximize the margins.

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