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6 of the best jobs with our Specialised Programme in Quantitative Finance

Want to study quantitative finance but not sure where exactly a course in the subject would lead?

We are here to help you, with a rundown of six of the best jobs our graduates frequently move into.

  • Risk Manager: Risk manager's job is inspired by the mantra "prevention is better than cure". Risk Manager advise companies and businesses on any existing risks to their profits, identifying and evaluating possible threats and setting up contingency plans. Risk managers may specialize in insurance, technology risk, business continuity, markets and corporate governance... He will also need to have the ability to build relationships with his clients and their stakeholders.

  • Financial engineer: financial engineers provide financial analysis to companies, evaluating their products and assets, and suggesting any changes where necessary. They use their skills to predict how stocks and other financial tools will perform, to manage portfolios and to assess the risk of investments. Typically employed by banks, investment houses and mutual fund companies, they use math and computer science to help businesses prosper.
  • Derivatives trader: derivatives traders are highly specialized stock traders and typically used to protect investors from unforeseen price fluctuations, although they can just as easily lead to a financial loss. Simply put, they buy and sell derivatives (financial products that derive their value from their relationship with another asset or cash flow e.g. swaps, futures contracts, employee stock options, exchange traded stock options).
  • Asset manager: Asset Management is a team within a financial firm that is dedicated to managing the assets (investments, cash...). Working in Asset Management, you would be employed to manage assets on behalf of people and businesses in order to achieve the greatest possible returns.
  • Fund manager: fund manager makes investment decisions for a mutual fund. He is responsible for implementing a fund's investing strategy and managing its portfolio trading activities to maximize returns. He could be working in a number of financial sectors, from banking or a brokerage firm, to insurance or the treasury departments of a large industrial group.
  • Consultant: financial consultant work with companies to plan their financial futures by offering money management expertise and advice on various topics (debt, insurance, investments, taxes...) in order to guide them toward their desired long-term goals. They work closely with clients to offer personalized financial advice. Financial consultant is a job title that now has been replaced by financial advisor.

Do any of these jobs sound appealing to you? Discover our Specialised Programme in Quantitative Finance and submit your online application now to join the 2018 intake!


Source : article QS Top Universities

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