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Back to News 19/11/2018

Charlotte, current student of the MSc in Digital Marketing & Data Science opens up about her win in the (S)milestone Challenge on Oral-B Brand

Charlotte Geissmann, current student of the MSc in Digital Marketing & Data Science participated on November 9th to the (S)milestone Challenge on Oral-B Brand organized by Tribu (Pangea) and Procter & Gamble to “disrupt the future of Oral-B”. She worked closely with her team-mates and won the competition.

She explains how empowering and challenging this experience was:

  • Could you tell us more about this challenge?

This competition took the form of an intensive day of digital marketing hackathon using the design thinking method to create an innovative, viable and disruptive project. After a first selection, we were a few students from French Business Schools and Engineer’s Schools invited to the French headquarters of P&G for a day of challenge and empowerment.

  • How did you work on a specific project during this intensive day?
    The day began with a presentation of the brand and their current challenges. Then, several teams were created, each one focusing on a different issue. I had the chance to work with a multicultural team on data & AI on a strategy to push users to buy an electronic toothbrush. Our solution was to use data as a leverage to ease our daily-life without being too intrusive or replacing a dentist.
    Everything went fast during this day and each team delivered innovative solutions! Mentored by Marketing & Sales Managers from Oral-B and Project Managers from Tribu we presented our strategy and prototypes in front of a panel of managers and directors. It was an exciting experience surrounded by passionate people.
  • You are part of the Msc in Digital Marketing & Data Science. How is this event related to your program?

    This competition was highly related to my program, particularly to the intensive course called “User Experience” we followed earlier this semester with Yihyun Lim. Indeed, the objective of this class was to use the design thinking method to work on one industry to deliver human-centric solutions and prototype it under her mentorship. The learnings from this program also helped me to develop data-driven and customer-centric innovative solutions with my team-mates allowing us to win this challenge!
  • Congratulations again on your win. What will you most remember from this day?
    This day was inspiring, fast, challenging and I am thankful to emlyon business school and Procter & Gamble for allowing me to meet so many interesting people and work on a real case.

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