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Back to News 03/07/2018

Meet Juliette, future student of the MSc in Digital Marketing & Data Science

Tell us a bit about your background.

I am from Lyon (France), I left for Montreal (Canada) when I was 17 in order to complete a BAA at HEC Montreal where I was able to discover the culture as well as the Quebec school system. I also had the chance to be an exchange student at QUT Brisbane (Australia) for 6 months. During my studies, I have decided to specialize in marketing and project management, two skills for which I can use my creative and innovative sides, my dynamism and my interest in human behaviors.

Montreal is the world capital for video game development, which is both a passion of mine and the field that I aspire to join for my professional life. During my last year in the BAA, I joined an association as VP Designer (we are usually not authorized to join this association as students from the BAA). It enabled me to meet various executives from the video game industry and visit development studios. I also worked as a research assistant at HEC Montreal in the specific field of “marketing in the video game industry” for which I had to analyze video games industry related contents (streaming videos, social network posts, etc.) My second passion is cinema. For 2 years, I was VP communication for the school’s cinema association. I was proudly recognized with 4 awards among which 2 for best communication campaign 2 years in a row.


Why did you decide to join the program?

I come from a creative family (my brother is a copywriter and my sister is an artistic director). I have always been interested in the advertisement and marketing fields in which my brother and sister were both involved. By combining it with my passion for video games, I naturally became aware of emlyon business school’s MSc in Digital Marketing & Data Science. Digital marketing is exciting, there are so many creative opportunities in comparison with traditional media: we create real interactions with clients, create immersive stories and facilitate the audience life via apps and websites. Data science also seems necessary in our current economy in order to better anticipate and understand trends and consumer behaviors as well as the products and services they would want to buy. Knowing the career I want to have in the video game industry, this program seemed the right one to acquire the skills I need to succeed as much in terms of virtual content knowledge as in terms of professional experience.   

The semester in Shanghai seems also very interesting since I have never been to Asia and I‘m really eager to discover this culture.

What do you expect from the program?

Firstly, I hope that I will discover both digital marketing tools and data campaigns management more in depth. Secondly, I hope I will be able to develop creative marketing campaigns by myself and be challenged in order to be prepared for my professional life. Finally, I hope that I will meet people as interested as me in marketing: students and teachers that I will be able to interact with and learn from for a few months.

Three words to describe yourself.

Passionate, creative, team-worker

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